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Vscode Icons

Vscode Icons cover image

Vscode Icons set's cover image

Vscode Icons summary

Vscode Icons set

Author: VSCode Icons

Website: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/publishers/vscode-icons-team

License: Creative Commons - ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)

Total icons: 1045

Published: 14 Sep, 2020

If you have any questions related to the license of Vscode Icons, please contact the author. We can't provide any other additional information.

Vscode Icons

Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, folder, opened
vscode folder opened
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, root, folder, essence, foundation, heart, origin, seed, soul, source, stem, stuff, basis, bedrock, beginnings, bottom, cause, center, crux, derivation, essentiality, footing, fountain, fountainhead, fundamental, germ, ground, groundwork, inception, infrastructure, mainspring, marrow, motive, nub, nucleus, occasion, pith, provenance, provenience, quick, quintessence, radicle, radix, reason, rhizome, seat, substance, substratum, tuber, underpinning, well, rock bottom, starting point
vscode root folder
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, root, folder, opened, essence, foundation, heart, origin, seed, soul, source, stem, stuff, basis, bedrock, beginnings, bottom, cause, center, crux, derivation, essentiality, footing, fountain, fountainhead, fundamental, germ, ground, groundwork, inception, infrastructure, mainspring, marrow, motive, nub, nucleus, occasion, pith, provenance, provenience, quick, quintessence, radicle, radix, reason, rhizome, seat, substance, substratum, tuber, underpinning, well, rock bottom, starting point
vscode root folder opened
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, access, approach, connection, entry, admittance, avenue, contact, course, door, entrance, entree, entrée, in, ingress, introduction, key, passage, path, road, route, way, open arms, open door
vscode type access
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, access2
vscode type access2
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, actionscript
vscode type actionscript
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, actionscript2
vscode type actionscript2
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, ada
vscode type ada
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, advpl
vscode type advpl
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, affectscript
vscode type affectscript
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, affinitydesigner
vscode type affinitydesigner
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, affinityphoto
vscode type affinityphoto
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, affinitypublisher
vscode type affinitypublisher
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, ai
vscode type ai
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, ai2
vscode type ai2
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, al
vscode type al
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, angular, jagged, v-shaped, y-shaped, akimbo, bifurcate, cornered, crooked, crossing, crotched, divaricate, forked, intersecting, oblique, sharp-cornered, skewed, slanted, staggered, zigzag
vscode type angular
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, ansible
vscode type ansible
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, antlr
vscode type antlr
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, anyscript
vscode type anyscript
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, apache
vscode type apache
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, apex, apogee, culmination, pinnacle, acme, climax, crest, crown, cusp, height, max, maximum, meridian, peak, point, roof, spire, sublimity, summit, tip, tops, vertex, zenith, greatest, most, ne plus ultra, up there
vscode type apex
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, apib
vscode type apib
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, apib2
vscode type apib2
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, api, extractor
vscode type api extractor
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, apl
vscode type apl
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, applescript
vscode type applescript
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, appveyor
vscode type appveyor
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, arduino
vscode type arduino
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, asciidoc
vscode type asciidoc
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, asp
vscode type asp
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, aspx
vscode type aspx
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, assembly, accumulation, aggregation, assemblage, association, band, body, bunch, clambake, cluster, collection, company, conclave, confab, conference, convocation, council, crew, crowd, faction, flock, gathering, group, huddle, mass, meet, meeting, multitude, rally, sit-in, throng, turnout, coffee klatch, get-together
vscode type assembly
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, ats
vscode type ats
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, audio
vscode type audio
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, aurelia
vscode type aurelia
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, autohotkey
vscode type autohotkey
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, autoit
vscode type autoit
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, avro
vscode type avro
Vscode Icons: vscode, icons, type, awk
vscode type awk

Free icon sets similar to Vscode Icons

Vscode Icons info

Author: VSCode Icons

Website: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/publishers/vscode-icons-team

License: Creative Commons - ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)

Total icons: 1045

Published: 14 Sep, 2020

Vscode Icons keywords

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