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File Icons

File Icons cover image

File Icons set's cover image

File Icons summary

File Icons set

Author: John Gardner

Website: https://github.com/Alhadis

License: ISC License

Total icons: 897

Published: 3 Nov, 2020

If you have any questions related to the license of File Icons, please contact the author. We can't provide any other additional information.

File Icons

File Icons:
File Icons: blaring, inspiring, ringing, sharp, shrill, definite, loud, strident
File Icons: blank, bright, clear, elegant, fresh, graceful, hygienic, immaculate, neat, orderly, pure, simple, spotless, tidy, unblemished, washed, cleansed, laundered, shining, sparkling, speckless, stainless, trim, vanilla, white, apple-pie order, delicate, dirtless, faultless, flawless, neat as a button, neat as a pin, sanitary, snowy, spic and span, squeaky, taintless, unpolluted, unsmudged, unsoiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untarnished, well-kept
File Icons:
File Icons: mow, prune, shave, shear, snip, trim, bob, crop, curtail, cut, decrease, dock, lower, pare, reduce, shorten, skive, slash, truncate, cut back
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons: code, climate
Code Climate
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons: common, lisp, accepted, commonplace, everyday, familiar, frequent, natural, prevailing, prevalent, routine, simple, trivial, typical, universal, bourgeois, characteristic, current, daily, general, humdrum, plain, probable, regular, standard, stock, banal, casual, colloquial, comformable, conventional, customary, habitual, hackneyed, homely, informal, mediocre, monotonous, passable, prosaic, run-of-the-mill, stale, stereotyped, trite, undistinguished, unvaried, usual, wearisome, workaday, worn-out
Common Lisp
File Icons: component, pascal, basic, composing, fundamental, integral, elemental, inherent, intrinsic, part and parcel of, part of
Component Pascal
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons: config, coffeescript
Config CoffeeScript
File Icons: config, go, activity, animation, bang, birr, drive, energy, force, get-up-and-go, hardihood, life, moxie, oomph, pep, potency, push, snap, starch, tuck, verve, vigor, vivacity, zest
Config Go
File Icons: config, haskell
Config Haskell
File Icons: config, js, abscond, amble, barrel, bolt, bound, bustle, canter, career, course, dart, dash, decamp, depart, escape, flee, flit, fly, gallop, hasten, hie, hotfoot, hurry, hustle, beat it, clear out, cut and run, dog it, get out, go like lightning, hightail it
Config JS
File Icons: config, perl
Config Perl
File Icons: config, python
Config Python
File Icons: config, react, acknowledge, act, answer, behave, counter, feel, perform, proceed, reply, revert, backfire, boomerang, echo, function, operate, rebound, reciprocate, recoil, recur, return, take, work, answer back, be affected, bounce back, get back at, give a snappy comeback, give back, have a funny feeling, have vibes, talk back, turn back
Config React
File Icons: config, ruby, blooming, blowsy, bronzed, crimson, florid, flush, flushed, fresh, full-blooded, glowing, healthy, pink, red, red-complexioned, reddish, roseate, rosy, rubicund, sanguine, scarlet
Config Ruby
File Icons: config, rust, decay, blight, corruption, decomposition, dilapidation, mold, oxidation, rot, wear
Config Rust
File Icons: config, typescript
Config TypeScript
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons:
File Icons: coreldraw, alt
CorelDRAW Alt

Free icon sets similar to File Icons

File Icons info

Author: John Gardner

Website: https://github.com/Alhadis

License: ISC License

Total icons: 897

Published: 3 Nov, 2020

File Icons keywords

file, icons, free icons, freebies icons, freebies png, download free iconsCKEditor, Clarion, Clean, Click, CLIPS, ClojureJS, ClosureTemplate, CloudFoundry, Cmake, COBOL, CocoaPods, Codacy, Code Climate, Codecov, CodeKit, CodeMeta, CodeMirror, CodeShip, ColdFusion, CommitLint, Common Lisp, Component Pascal, Composer, Conan, Conda, Config CoffeeScript, Config Go, Config Haskell, Config JS, Config Perl, Config Python, Config React, Config Ruby, Config Rust, Config TypeScript, Config, CoNLL, Coq, Cordova, CorelDRAW Alt,

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