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Ikonate cover image

Ikonate set's cover image

Ikonate summary

Ikonate set

Author: Mikolaj Dobrucki

Website: http://www.mikolajdobrucki.com/

License: MIT license

Total icons: 327

Published: 19 Oct, 2020

If you have any questions related to the license of Ikonate, please contact the author. We can't provide any other additional information.


Ikonate: ellypsis, vertical, steep, erect, perpendicular, plumb, bolt upright, cocked, on end, sheer, straight-up, up-and-down, upward
ellypsis vertical
Ikonate: access, avenue, corridor, door, doorway, entry, entryway, gate, hall, hallway, lobby, opening, passageway, porch, port, staircase, approach, archway, gateway, ingress, inlet, passage, path, portal, portico, threshold, vestibule, way
Ikonate: envelope, alt, bag, box, casing, coat, container, jacket, pocket, pouch, case, cloak, coating, cover, covering, enclosure, hide, receptacle, sheath, shell, skin, vesicle, wrapping
envelope alt
Ikonate: bag, box, casing, coat, container, jacket, pocket, pouch, case, cloak, coating, cover, covering, enclosure, hide, receptacle, sheath, shell, skin, vesicle, wrapping
Ikonate: blunder, failure, fault, flaw, glitch, inaccuracy, lapse, miscalculation, miscue, misdeed, mismanagement, misstep, misunderstanding, offense, omission, sin, transgression, wrongdoing, x, absurdity, boner, boo-boo, delinquency, delusion, deviation, erratum, fall, fallacy, falsehood, falsity, goof, howler, misapprehension, misconception, miss, oversight, screamer, slight, slip, solecism, stumble, trespass, untruth, bad job, faux pas, misbelief, misjudgment, screw-up, slipup
Ikonate: door, gate, opening, avenue, egress, hole, outlet, vent, fire escape, passage out
Ikonate: analyze, delve into, examine, probe, research, scrutinize, search, seek, test, try, burrow, hunt, inspect, prospect, question, reconnoitre, scout, sift, tour, travel, traverse, dig into, go into, have a look, inquire into, leave no stone unturned, look into, turn inside out
Ikonate: delay, development, expansion, increase, postponement, addendum, addition, adjunct, amplification, annex, appendage, appendix, arm, augmentation, branch, broadening, compass, dilatation, distension, elongation, extent, lengthening, orbit, production, prolongation, protraction, purview, radius, reach, scope, span, spread, stretch, stretching, supplement, sweep, widening, wing, continuing, drawing out, spreading out
Ikonate: eye, closed, feeling, mind, taste, view, appreciation, belief, conviction, discernment, discrimination, perception, persuasion, recognition, scrutiny, sentiment, surveillance, tab, viewpoint, watch, eagle eye, point of view, bankrupt, locked, sealed, fastened, folded, padlocked, dark, gone fishing, not open, out of business, out of order, shut down
eye closed
Ikonate: eye, crossed, feeling, mind, taste, view, appreciation, belief, conviction, discernment, discrimination, perception, persuasion, recognition, scrutiny, sentiment, surveillance, tab, viewpoint, watch, eagle eye, point of view, cruise, cut across, navigate, pass over, ply, sail, span, bridge, ford, meet, overpass, voyage, zigzag, extend over, go across, move across, transverse
eye crossed
Ikonate: feeling, mind, taste, view, appreciation, belief, conviction, discernment, discrimination, perception, persuasion, recognition, scrutiny, sentiment, surveillance, tab, viewpoint, watch, eagle eye, point of view
Ikonate: clean, drain, dribble, leak, penetrate, percolate, permeate, refine, sift, trickle, winnow, clarify, distill, escape, exude, filtrate, metastasize, ooze, purify, screen, sieve, strain, osmose, soak through
Ikonate: able, apt, capable, competent, happy, prepared, qualified, wise, adapted, becoming, befitting, correct, correspondent, deserving, due, equipped, expedient, fitted, fitting, meet, ready, right, trained, worthy, adequate, advantageous, apposite, beneficial, comely, comme il faut, conformable, convenient, desirable, equitable, favorable, feasible, felicitous, good enough, just, likely, opportune, practicable, preferable, proper, rightful, seasonable, seemly, tasteful, timely, well-suited
Ikonate: folder, add, calculate, cast, compute, count, enumerate, figure, reckon, sum, summate, tally, tot, total, tote, count up, do addition, reckon up, tot up
folder add
Ikonate: folder, remove, abolish, clear away, cut out, delete, discard, discharge, dismiss, eliminate, erase, evacuate, expel, extract, get rid of, oust, pull out, raise, separate, ship, take out, transfer, transport, withdraw, abstract, amputate, depose, detach, dethrone, dislodge, displace, disturb, doff, efface, eject, expunge, junk, purge, relegate, shed, skim, unload, unseat, uproot, carry away, carry off, cart off, dig out, do away with, rip out, strike out, take down, tear out, throw out, wipe out
folder remove
Ikonate: folder, warning
folder warning
Ikonate: ahead, leading, onward, forth, progressing, progressive, forward-looking, in advance, precocious, premature, propulsive, well-developed
Ikonate: grid, alt
grid alt
Ikonate: grid, small, cramped, limited, meager, microscopic, miniature, minuscule, modest, narrow, paltry, poor, short, slight, small-scale, young, baby, bantam, diminutive, little, mini, minute, petite, petty, scanty, shrimp, toy, trifling, wee, bitty, humble, immature, inadequate, inconsequential, inconsiderable, insufficient, picayune, piddling, pint-sized, pitiful, pocket-sized, puny, runty, scrubby, stunted, teensy, teeny, trivial, undersized, unpretentious
grid small
Ikonate: happy, face, cheerful, contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, glad, joyful, joyous, jubilant, lively, merry, overjoyed, peaceful, pleasant, pleased, thrilled, upbeat, blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, can't complain, captivated, chipper, chirpy, content, convivial, exultant, flying high, gay, gleeful, gratified, intoxicated, jolly, laughing, light, looking good, mirthful, on cloud nine, peppy, perky, playful, sparkling, sunny, tickled, tickled pink, up, walking on air, air, aspect, light, look, mask, surface, top, appearance, cast, clock, countenance, dial, disguise, display, facet, features, finish, frontage, frontal, frontispiece, frown, glower, grimace, guise, kisser, lineaments, makeup, map, mug, obverse, paint, physiognomy, pout, presentation, profile, scowl, seeming, semblance, show, showing, silhouette, simulacrum, smirk, visage
happy face
Ikonate: stew, assortment, clutter, confusion, hodgepodge, hotchpotch, jumble, litter, medley, miscellany, mishmash, muddle, salmagundi, shambles, mélange
Ikonate: bug, handset, radio, telephone, television, control center, detection device, listening device, transceiver
Ikonate: hearing, disability, ailment, defect, impairment, infirmity, injury, affliction, detriment, disqualification, drawback, inability, incapacity, incompetency, inexperience, invalidity, lack, unfitness, weakness
hearing disability
Ikonate: advice, aid, benefit, comfort, cooperation, guidance, hand, service, support, use, assist, avail, balm, corrective, cure, lift, maintenance, nourishment, remedy, succor, sustenance, utility, helping hand
Ikonate: past, antiquity, yesterday, yesteryear, ancient times, bygone times, days of old, days of yore, good old days, old days, olden days
Ikonate: home, alt, central, familiar, family, household, local, national, native, at ease, at rest, down home, homely, homey, in one's element, in the bosom, inland, internal
home alt
Ikonate: home, alt2, central, familiar, family, household, local, national, native, at ease, at rest, down home, homely, homey, in one's element, in the bosom, inland, internal
home alt2

Free icon sets similar to Ikonate

Ikonate info

Author: Mikolaj Dobrucki

Website: http://www.mikolajdobrucki.com/

License: MIT license

Total icons: 327

Published: 19 Oct, 2020

Ikonate keywords

ikonate, free icons, freebies icons, freebies png, download free iconsellypsis vertical, ellypsis, entrance, envelope alt, envelope, error, exit, explore, extension, eye closed, eye crossed, eye, favourite, feather, feed, file, film, filter, fit, flag, flower, folder add, folder remove, folder warning, folder, forward, glasses, grid alt, grid small, grid, hamburger, happy face, hash, hdr, headphones, hearing disability, help, history, home alt, home alt2,

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