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Circle Icons

Circle Icons cover image

Circle Icons set's cover image

Circle Icons summary

Circle Icons set

Author: Nick Roach

Website: http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/freebie-of-the-week/beautiful-flat-icons-for-free

License: GPL

Total icons: 139

Published: 27 May, 2018

If you have any questions related to the license of Circle Icons, please contact the author. We can't provide any other additional information.

Circle Icons

Circle Icons: at, sign, icon, appearing in, by, found in, in the vicinity of, near to, on, placed at, situated at, through, toward, clue, flag
at sign
Circle Icons: book, contacts, icon, album, booklet, brochure, copy, dictionary, edition, essay, fiction, magazine, manual, novel, pamphlet
book contacts
Circle Icons: plane, transportation, icon, even, flat, flush, plain, regular, smooth, uniform, planate, shipment, shipping, transit, transport
plane transportation
Circle Icons: letters, typography, icon, sign, abcs, alphabet, cap, capital, character, majuscule, minuscule, rune, type, uncial, small letter
letters typography
Circle Icons: nautical, icon, maritime, navigational, seafaring, marine, abyssal, aquatic, boating, cruising, deep-sea, naval, navigating, oceangoing, oceanic
Circle Icons: ruler, triangle, icon, czar, emperor, king, monarch, shah, sultan, baron, baroness, caesar, caliph, count, countess
ruler triangle
Circle Icons: shutter, icon, curtain, cover, drape, screen, shade, figure, idol, picture, portrait, symbol, ikon, likeness, portrayal
Circle Icons: cursor, pointer, icon, dart, missile, projectile, bolt, indicator, pointer, shaft, arrow, dial, director, gauge, guide
cursor pointer
Circle Icons: curve, windy, icon, arc, arch, contour, loop, trajectory, ambit, bend, bight, bow, camber, catenary, chord
curve windy
Circle Icons: down, icon, downward, cascading, declining, depressed, descending, downgrade, downhill, dropping, falling, gravitating, inferior, precipitating, sagging
Circle Icons: up, icon, at the apex of, at the summit, at the top, figure, idol, picture, portrait, symbol, ikon, likeness, portrayal, representation, graphic image
Circle Icons: painting, palette, icon, art, canvas, composition, depiction, landscape, mural, oil painting, picture, portrait, sketch, cityscape, likeness
painting palette
Circle Icons: molecule, icon, fragment, particle, bit, iota, jot, minim, mite, modicum, mote, ounce, ray, speck, unit
Circle Icons: equalizer, volume, icon, cannon, handgun, hardware, mortar, piece, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, uzi, blaster, difference
equalizer volume
Circle Icons: mic, microphone, icon, bug, wire, amplifier, megaphone, recorder, speaker, figure, idol, picture, portrait, symbol, ikon
mic microphone
Circle Icons: music, notes, icon, melody, opera, piece, rap, rock, singing, soul, tune, acoustic, air, bebop, bop
music notes
Circle Icons: radio, icon, transmission, wireless, marconi, walkman, radiotelegraph, radiotelegraphy, radiotelephone, receiver, telegraphy, telephony, am-fm, cb, radionics
Circle Icons: speaker, volume, icon, announcer, elocutionist, lecturer, mouthpiece, orator, rhetorician, speechmaker, spokesperson, after-dinner speaker, keynoter, public speaker, amount
speaker volume
Circle Icons: prize, trophy, icon, outstanding, topnotch, champion, choice, cream, elite, fat, pick, prime, top, winning, award-winning
prize trophy
Circle Icons: ribbon, icon, bow, decoration, streamer, strip, stripe, tape, award, band, bandeau, binding, braid, cordon, corse
Circle Icons: hot, air, balloon, icon, blazing, boiling, heated, humid, red, scorching, sizzling, sultry, sweltering, torrid, tropical
hot air balloon
Circle Icons: construction, roadblock, icon, development, manufacture, plan, planning, structure, system, architecture, arrangement, assembly, build, cast, composition
construction roadblock
Circle Icons: cart, shopping, icon, rickshaw, truck, wagon, barrow, buggy, dolly, dray, gig, gurney, handcart, palanquin, pushcart
cart shopping
Circle Icons: full, battery, icon, adequate, big, chock-full, complete, crowded, entire, intact, packed, stocked, sufficient, abounding, burdened
full battery
Circle Icons: low, battery, icon, below, depressed, flat, little, small, bottom, crouched, deep, inferior, junior, level, lowering
low battery
Circle Icons: bike, biker, icon, pedal, cycle, figure, idol, picture, portrait, symbol, ikon, likeness, portrayal, representation, graphic image
bike biker
Circle Icons: bike, icon, pedal, cycle, figure, idol, picture, portrait, symbol, ikon, likeness, portrayal, representation, graphic image, graphical user interface
Circle Icons: wheel, wheel, icon, disk, drum, roller, caster, circuit, circulation, circumvolution, cycle, gyration, gyre, hoop, pivot
wheel wheel
Circle Icons: remove, stop, icon, abolish, clear away, cut out, delete, discard, discharge, dismiss, eliminate, erase, evacuate, expel, extract
remove stop
Circle Icons: electricity, icon, heat, service, ac, dc, current, electron, galvanism, ignition, juice, light, spark, tension, utilities
Circle Icons: explosive, icon, fiery, frenzied, hazardous, meteoric, stormy, tense, touchy, ugly, uncontrollable, unstable, violent, wild, at the boiling point
Circle Icons: bookshelf, library, icon, athenaeum, atheneum, bibliotheca, study, book collection, book room, information center, media center, reference center, figure, idol, picture
bookshelf library
Circle Icons: booklet, bookmark, icon, brochure, handbill, leaflet, circular, flyer, handout, mailer, notice, tract, clip, flag, flap
booklet bookmark
Circle Icons: suitcase, icon, bag, satchel, grip, portmanteau, valise, figure, idol, picture, portrait, symbol, ikon, likeness, portrayal
Circle Icons: bulb, light, bulb, icon, corn, ball, bunch, corm, globe, head, knob, nodule, nub, protuberance, swelling
bulb light bulb
Circle Icons: contrast, icon, comparison, contradiction, disagreement, disparity, distinction, divergence, diversity, opposition, variation, antithesis, contradistinction, contrariety, converse
Circle Icons: webpage, website, icon, site, web page, database, forum, network, page, figure, idol, picture, portrait, symbol, ikon
webpage website
Circle Icons: edit, pencil, icon, adapt, alter, analyze, annotate, arrange, assemble, censor, choose, compile, compose, delete, prepare
edit pencil
Circle Icons: paint, paint, brush, icon, acrylic, color, cosmetic, dye, enamel, latex, makeup, oil, pigment, stain, varnish
paint paint brush
Circle Icons: light, light, bulb, icon, bright, luminous, rich, shiny, sunny, burnished, clear, flashing, fluorescent, glossy, glowing
light light bulb

Free icon sets similar to Circle Icons

Circle Icons info

Author: Nick Roach

Website: http://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/freebie-of-the-week/beautiful-flat-icons-for-free

License: GPL

Total icons: 139

Published: 27 May, 2018

Circle Icons keywords

circle, icons, , , free icons, freebies icons, freebies png, download free iconsat sign icon, book contacts icon, plane transportation icon, letters typography icon, nautical icon, ruler triangle icon, shutter icon, cursor pointer icon, curve windy icon, down icon, up icon, painting palette icon, molecule icon, equalizer volume icon, mic microphone icon, music notes icon, radio icon, speaker volume icon, prize trophy icon, ribbon icon, hot air balloon icon, construction roadblock icon, cart shopping icon, full battery icon, low battery icon, bike biker icon, bike icon, wheel wheel icon, remove stop icon, electricity icon, explosive icon, bookshelf library icon, booklet bookmark icon, suitcase icon, bulb light bulb icon, contrast icon, webpage website icon, edit pencil icon, paint paint brush icon, light light bulb icon,

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