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Icons8 Windows 10 Icons

Icons8 Windows 10 Icons cover image

Icons8 Windows 10 Icons set's cover image

Icons8 Windows 10 Icons summary

Icons8 Windows 10 Icons set

Author: Icons8.com

Website: https://icons8.com/

License: Good Boy License

Total icons: 234

Published: 10 Mar, 2019

If you have any questions related to the license of Icons8 Windows 10 Icons, please contact the author. We can't provide any other additional information.

Icons8 Windows 10 Icons

Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: cursor, dart, missile, projectile, bolt, indicator, pointer, shaft
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: bulbous, curved, cylindrical, elliptical, oval, rounded, spherical, arced, arched, bent, bowed, circular, coiled, looped
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: accord, balance, coincide, conform, dovetail, fit, gee, harmonize, jibe, match, reconcile, tally, check out, fit in
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: automatic, computerized, electronic, mechanical, mechanized, robotic, motorized, programmed
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: heat, service, ac, dc, current, electron, galvanism, ignition, juice, light, spark, tension, utilities, voltage
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons:
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: bandicoot, kangaroo, koala, opossum, possum, wallaby, wombat
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: impression, imprint, line, point, record, scar, score, signature, spot, stain, stamp, streak, symbol, x
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: dump, ship, smuggle, transport, consign, convey, freight, transship, find market, find outlet, send out
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: delusion, fancy, illusion, nightmare, reverie, vision, atlantis, apparition, appearance, bubble, chimera, creativity, daydream, envisioning
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: copy, transmission, duplicate, reproduction, electronic message
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: feminine, effeminate, fecund, fertile, maternal, muliebrous, womanish, womanly
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: book, case, data, directory, dossier, folder, information, list, notebook, record, cabinet, census, charts, docket
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: blur, cloud, coat, covering, dusting, fabric, foil, fold, gauze, haze, haziness, integument, layer, leaf
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: clean, drain, dribble, leak, penetrate, percolate, permeate, refine, sift, trickle, winnow, clarify, distill, escape
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: banner, emblem, streamer, colors, ensign, jack, pennon, standard, banderole, bannerol, burgee, gonfalon
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons:
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: binder, file, pocket, case, portfolio, sheath, wrapper, wrapping
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons:
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: common, feminine, masculine, neuter, gender-specific
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons:
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: neutral, user, disinterested, evenhanded, fair-minded, inactive, indifferent, nonaligned, nonpartisan, unbiased, uncommitted, undecided, uninvolved, calm, cool
neutral user
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: arrange, catalogue, categorize, comb, cull, separate, sift, assort, choose, class, classify, distribute, divide, file
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: sorting, 2, arrange, catalogue, categorize, comb, cull, separate, sift, assort, choose, class, classify, distribute, divide
sorting 2
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: content, document, idea, paragraph, passage, quotation, theme, verse, wording, argument, body, consideration, contents, context
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: allowance, award, benefit, bonus, contribution, donation, endowment, favor, giveaway, grant, legacy, offering, premium, present
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: folder, pocketbook, purse
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: accessory, apparatus, appliance, equipment, gadget, gear, machine, material, mechanism, agent, arrangement, article, construction, contraption
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: framework, network, grate, grill, grille, lattice
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons:
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons:
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: association, band, body, class, club, company, crowd, faction, gang, organization, party, society, troop, accumulation
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons:
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: dunk, descent, dive, duck, fall, immersion, investment, jump, nosedive, spree, submergence, submersion, swoop, venture
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: central, familiar, family, household, local, national, native, at ease, at rest, down home, homely, homey, in the bosom, inland
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons:
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: belief, concept, conclusion, design, feeling, form, intention, interpretation, meaning, notion, objective, opinion, perception, plan
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: book, case, data, directory, dossier, folder, information, list, notebook, record, cabinet, census, charts, docket
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: construction, acceptation, bearing, drift, gist, heart, implication, intention, interpretation, meat, message, point, purport, score
Icons8 Windows 10 Icons: bash, cut, dent, depress, dint, hollow, jag, mark, nick, notch, pink, pit, rabbet, rut

Free icon sets similar to Icons8 Windows 10 Icons

Icons8 Windows 10 Icons info

Author: Icons8.com

Website: https://icons8.com/

License: Good Boy License

Total icons: 234

Published: 10 Mar, 2019

Icons8 Windows 10 Icons keywords

icons8, windows, 10, icons, free icons, freebies icons, freebies png, download free iconsarrow, round, squared, electrical, electricity, eraser, euro, mark, export, fantasy, fax, female, file, film, filter, flag, extinguisher, folder, football2, gender, genderqueer, neutral user, sorting, sorting 2, text, gift, wallet, device, grid, 2, 3, group, hdd, header, home, 2, idea, file, import, indent,

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